longlonglonglonglonglong never post alr.
&I never go to school.
like April's Holiday.
for not needing to look at bloody MrFoo,
I'm veryveryveryvery blessed(:
but I sort of miss school lei.
&stupid Erwin say I never go school he not miss me.
he say no one disturb him):
so sad nar. nevermind. I don't want friend him liao XD
find me unreaasonable luh~
heh =/
talking to Timothy about the CaiJing thing.
&Caijing is a sucker. I don't like him!

see my cute MrMedicineMickey(:


but nevermind got MsWhiteRabbitSweet

&little Kureyon Shin (:
like back to when I'm small laa XD
my eyes kept on redred one):
are you envy of my two weeks MC (; . heeh.
I wished I know how to cure all illnesses laa.
school-ing isn't fun at all.
lessons after lessons what else?
hd two tests today. flunk it all.
I'm seriously dumb laa.
for both papers I don't know how to do even the first question.
whattheshit. went to Sun Plaza &ate with people.
Joanthan, YiQian , Sean , HuiMin, Shermaine, ZhiYan.
&yeaps. they got Jonathan to pay for all of the things.
but I'm good I paid $2 for a cup of Milo. =x
I didn't hava proper meal.
stole fries from Sean
I like cheese maa. no apetite also can eat the whole thing(:
Jonathan seem to read my mind.
'eh, 你ohkay吗?很像不舒服lei?'
haha. yeaps I was having a headache, sore throat &alotalot
I knew fever's going to attack me alr.
went home. realise not enough bottles XDthen slept sleepy like shit.then woke up eye zhong zhong. don't know how to say in english lei.then face red like hell. took temperature:39.6mummy didn't know if not I'll have to take pills laa.then bathed blahblah. fainted in my room while wearing clothes.blah. mummy knew. she made me come to. told her I sleeping XD I simply hate pills.temperature dropped then. &now I'm in a enclosed room without fan or anyhing.but I don't seem to perspire even that little bit.keep all viruses from me !
bleeh . went to skl quite late laa .took my book &then timothy ask us go down ler.&our class was stinkng-like-hell.was all beacuse of YaoXiong laa.
don't know what happened to him.
I think like he stepped on shit ?
don't have check today.
I was saying is Vivian never get caught
I really don't know whatI will do.
is not I don't likeher or what.
is very what lei.
her skirt so damn short, fringe, hairclips.
none was caught lor.
had classes. Math again. most of thm weren't hearing.I read storybook(: goodgirl.&the MsLim walk pass my placeshe didn't her my phone. on-ed half the max laa then MrFoo again ):Theodore found my report slip on the floor maa. &he stepped on it before seeing it laa.so got footprint maa. then passed it to WeiLong ask him help me give teacher.MrFoo askWeiLong give me back &ask me to hand it in myself.'why got footprint at the back?another signatue ar?!''no laa. Theodore accidentally stepped on it maa' 'it was on the floor ?! hmph !'is your reportslip can't you keep it properly?''I put inside my bookone then fly out maa.''next time make sure you put it in a file befoe you hand in to me''orh.''&you are the last one to hand in the slip.'then WeiLong ask m what he say.toldhim then he say. 'ohkaylor. you put in the file then take out''crumple it then hand it in to him.''a lso counted as put in the file before handing in tohim maa.'heh=xbut I goodgirl won't do that(:then had lunch.
then chiong History mindmap.
it i included in the CA1 marks
&dateline is today. so like that laa.
made WaiNee waitd at Smbaang MRT station for 1hour XD
paiseh oh.
they ate at Macs again.
Maxyne joined us from home.
had fun laa.
then went to NorthPoint.
saw that Angelina.
she DIAO me lor ! kanina.
nvr I avoid to see her.
so I won't get boiled maa.
then going back thea time she walk pass
&rub her hand against my bag.
jut treat her likshe doesn't know how o walk properly laa.
cant believe she's my sissy's nuEr.
&YiShiuan was damn quiet. she hadly spoke.

JiaYing is my deardear(:

on top one is mine. below one is HuiMin's
we're goodys(:

kiss her laa.
spot the difference?
&HuiLing Iknow what to do alr (:
late again (:
finished running and hensaw the Angelina with her boyboy.
pointing at me ~ blah.
went up to class then pull socks. was wearing PE shirt don't botherto tuck in. check fingernails treat us as little kiddys. we know when we should cut one right.fuck them. MrFoo catch mine. whatthehell can is notlog at all. I cut it two days ago only leh ! then stayed back to cutcutcut.I sayed I have fingernail cutter in my pencil case &bloody MrFoo huh, huh, huh so many times then say no you cut here -.-had Summary test shit one.
I jus don't know how to summarise laa.
maxinmum 130words. I wrote 206.
nice write. after 130 words, all the words will be redundant you know.
&marks will be deducted for it.
flunk it laathen D&T(:
I love D&T. filed the thing
&my circle is one of the smallest can XD
have to file a it more XD look abit lie oval
recess then Maths ? blah forgotten laa. I know go 3 things. but forgot is what lessons =x lunch time bluffed MrGoh saying our class failed Math test.
&we meant whole class.
we just need MrGoh back
the class is like ... dont know what shit laa.
the MsLim can't teach nor contol us, you see ?
&I didn't really went for Self-study.
actuallywanted to lookfor MrFoo for the science thing
&then he sayed I &HuiMin were late for the Self-Study.
whatshitman- but MsTan asked me to join CCA rathe then studying.
so went to rifle luh. took my bag saw HuiMin walked back.
don't know what happened.
training didn't shoot ):did exercises only. 13 went there maa.then got 4Rifle. jiaolian asked me no to shoot. she want to show us exercises.went to toilet &blabla went to SunPlaza ate KFC.
every Monday is pratically Macs or KFC .
saw Deer. she's in Canberra .
didn't know her until she smile at me.
she let down her hair maa.
we spent 1 hour eating XD
the go NTUC but Mentos~
blah thn went home. 7++ ler .
chiong toilet XD
cause I
rrrreennnnnn from MRT till I reach home lei =/

don't YokeLeng sem like she wants to kill somone XD

can see that Claudia behind me?

heee. peeping tom XD fake one.


eeks . Claudia close eyes.

hee. surprie shot (:

can you see Claudia inside there ?

chiobus ~