yesterday, went to school also laa .
can't help with the daily routine .
who doesnt want to not go to school ?
everything was alright until the last lesson . fucking MrFoo's classhate him to the deepest core laa . was like drawing some things on my palm maa . &then he sayed . 'the answers should be on the board not your hand'cap my pen guaiguai don't dram already lor .then went up to write the answers , as instructed .write liao then went back .meddled with KimPeng's spectacle box . damn cute one lor . then MrFoo kaopeh again ! 'the spectacle box is more atractive then your own answers &me is it?!'kanina . hands move eyes still can see on what .then put down the box, look at my book . he still not satisfied'you've already fail 3 subjects stay for 2 days of self study!''want me to ask MsGoh give you 3 days arh?!'jihong laa . I didn't fail Science can even when he teaches it.If one day Iam to fail my Scence, blame him . he's freaking impatient in teaching laa . look at his face I want to box it a hundredtimes .but well, I'm good girl . just kept quiet .went to YiQian's house to redo Newsletter .
yups . was rejected .
we kept on di siao-ing my NANA laa XD
yar . erwin(a) XD
and hen we dodododo till 6 ++ ler
take photo for 30minutes.
all thanks to MahYiQian (:
took 30minutes to take one picture .
&Sean sent me alot of KureyonShin's stuff .
heh =x I'm just
thatthatthatthat love Shin laa XD
draw a picture of it for me. I love you deeply (:
then took bus from 858 . I miss there can . last time always walk there der ): blahs . &HuiMin seem to read my mind .she knew somethings from me. an obvious secret.took 811 to NorthPoint .no one pei me walk to MRT maa ): &it's dark .went to take MRT then .was freaking dark laa . & usaually after 8, there would be someone that will walk me home.but yesterday , none XD called up Lecrydaddy again(:today's a long study day ):
didn't go for the run . late like hell .
&was very sleepy laa .
went to class slept almost immediately.
until 8 ler thn was woken up by someone .
forgot who laa XD
then my NANA wanted to see the newsletter
cos yesterday tokkit home to laminate maa .
then he saw is picture then OMG . LOL
he kept on putting on that look .
nevermind used to it .
yups nothing special . the only thing is I slept a quater of the Assembly KimPeng woke me up (: heh=x sibeh restless . yesterday couldnt sleep well .went for selfstudy again with 3sticks of mentos (:finish it before packing up luh . &went to SunPlaza to look for Shermaine , Madeline &YiQian Shermaine went home . we went to NorthPoint &then eople asked for HuiMin's number again . hah ! too chio alr . & we saw Wilfret* with the same suit he wore the last time.&Erwin(a) Wong Chi Li(a)ng has -
NANA (:cheechee
chiling as nicks (:
but cheechee sounds weird .
cheechee BYEBYE !
machiam cheebye like that XD
Jonathan say one ohkay (:
&when is the real international friendship day ?
yea . went to school so reluctantly laa .
&I couldn't find my hair clipsssss
that caused me to be late ):
reached then runrunrun(: MRYEO XD ! he so green laa . then I approaching him ler he stop &look'today got training hor !' 'yeaps' then continued . saw TsePin they all . the usual line .. late again XD saw Redwan then he ran & then turned around when he saw me . cheat laa . then asked me how's life blahblah . say MrFoo is good teacher . -pukesman- then he tried to run faster then me . but shout at him saying however fast he run . he ran a shorter distance . then mryeo still there XD . &he looked at me like .. what ? then KimPeng &JiaYu waited (: went up to class lor ~
english had compre pactice .
what the fucking hell lor .
I did damn slow.
Summary not more than 10 words nia.
&I have 1 question haven't finish also lor .
then D&T. teacher thought how to cut acrylic.
shag it all -
I completely have no sense of directions one can.
&I don't know which way to turn then cut into the circle I suppose to cut.
machiam shit laa.
how I wish I can redo it with some sense of direction.
then tried to file it with lot of extra parts but cher ask me recut again XD
&the file filed my skin as well XD
not that painful laa.
chinese -yawnsyawns- I actually slept about half the class. Shermaine waved to me when was walking back to class actually. but don't even have the jingshen to wave back XD then geog . OngEngWoo again . song . heh=x then have to go for self-study. hate it laa.
I don't know how to study without people teaching me lei.
whatever. did history project only at the last 10 minutes XD
then went for Rifle training. the gun can kill me sia. still had cramps on the hand &coach wanted us to hold the gun there until she says stop. felt as if hand gonna drop off any minute. went to toilet after that. what we always do. washwashwash. the range is never once clean can XD then I press on the tap. the push der that thing flew out XD got MrYong to fix it. went to eat with YiShiuan &Claudia.
ZhiYan , YiQian , HuiMin &Patrine left first.
when I was going home . 8 alr . dark like shit. &
the lights dont seem to be working.
called Cai. nono. lecry (: heh=x
pei me through the dark . i'm afraid laa=x
101% fear of darkness=/

the mento
sssss we bought before gong for self study (:

see the nightnight sky at sembawang .
imagine how dark it is when I reach bishan luh XD

heh=x centipede ahma !
see the water tap ? hee XD
blahblah I like to call Lecry than LiCai or Cai (:
yeas ~ I'm back laa .
haha . longlong never post (:
just bcos I don't really have a properskin thats all .
&yeaps . life's still fine with me
went to skl . not late for TAF actually . went to class knew that there were 5 bees . OMG . I wore uni so changed to PE shirt laa . skipskipskip . keep on hitting my hair . like siao za bor in the end XD &JiaYu , KimPeng , WeiMing , Timothy played badminton . I went back to class do homework ): I guai right ? XD then class ws playing laa . suddenly got national anthem the sound
realised that we had to stand and sing alr .
heh =x we didn't hear . everyone was giggling them .
then classes after classes .
MsTham took MrGoh's class . MrGoh's not gonna teach us anymore .
and them nearly teared XD I LOVE MRGOH !
the only sec skl teacher I love (:
than went to hall for talk by Rahmat after recess .had MrsPhua to take MrFoo for VIP . she's just so great . heh =x thn MsGoh took our class . talked to us aout academics and sort .I can't see a thing . I just keep forgetting to bring my spectacles . then MsGoh don't know say what . whole class turned around to look at me . yar and was like she kep saying WeiXuan . WeiXuan . and people started to ask me how she know my name -.-then she gave us our report cards . english - 48 , D7chinese - 46math -82 , A1 science - 72 , A2 geog - 78 , A1 history - 40 , E8yar . bad I know . MsGoh was like so surprise that I got 3 distinctions -.-and got 75 in level ranking . 1/4 , 1/5 , 1/6 ,1/7 all so good der lor . 1/3 is like the last class . and if I'm not wrong aiai is 14 . what shit ! so hight right ~ and went to Nat's house .
haha . playe and slacked .
fun . I kissed HuiMin on the lips you know (:
we have a lesbian hotline :65559999
24 7 open . try really !
then went to meet yenlin , yiqian and huimin's friend .
she's very friendly laa (:
and funny like hell ~
yups then went home . daddy cooked so nice ~ and we're allowed to go back for house carnival . isn't that nice . heh =x there's a compo test tomorrow . SIAN !