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WeiXuan is my name. I'll be 17 on 14062011. weixuan.nie@gmail.com. 82223896
.I need.

.get closer.
My B ^^
AirRifle is passion
I love my Clique
I miss my TEAM [:
My lovely phone
Orange MidnightBlue
.please go.
I'm afraid of pests and cats
but don't mean I hate them
.much appreciated.
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blahlahlahlahs -
ytd wenturh sembawang park laa .
let me tell eu story =)

suppose turh wake at 10 .
cos ie tell mahhself turh laa xP
thn alarm rang laa
ie dinch hear a single thing
thn zehhzehh woke me up tell me 10 liao
budden ie tell herr turh wait
thn 11 mummy called in turh wake me up
FUCK . comfirm late liao laa
thn prepare prepare .
talked turh ahNEE on phone xP
was convinced turh bring mahh top nn a face towel

thn went out with zehhzehh at 12 + 12.30 laa
gonna take thadd cab cos ie`m suppose turh be at kahtib
at 12.30 de laa
qian call me laa .
told me bbq postponed turh 2 lorhhs .
thn thar uncle arsk
"where eu wanturh go ?"
"can arsk eur fren wait a while or nort ?"
LOLs . so rude rights xP
thn arsk qian turh wait laa
thn tell him
" opposite khatib MRT de Mcdonalds "
there he goes blabbering
"orhs . ie noe . is 83 something rite"
"ie live around there so ie noe "
was thinking . did ie arsk him ..
nn carn he see thadd ie`m talking on thar phone
bat jiu tat stamp arhs xP
thn qian shayyed she hasn`t bathe oso laa
so arsk her turh tell lumyi 12.55 thn meet

ie`m ferhhs .
ie was slightly early laa
saw jun inside Mcdonalds dunch noe do wadd .
thn saw lumyi lorr .
thn she walked in turh Mcdonalds turh arsk if chel is going
she could have wait nn arsk me 0.o
ie was calling qian laa
there she goes yay-ing away
she nn chel quarreled maa

thn wadevas wadevas laa .
wenturh SPC turh finde ahNEE
none told her thadd bbq postpone laa
thn sort of walk fast fast there lorr
saw ziyao nn guys laa
they shayyed bbq postponed turh 2 .
erms like as if we dinch noe .
budd thanks ferr concern
we`re nort going turh look ferr eu guys laa -.-
thn ahNEE was there .
shouted ahNEE with lumyi lorr
thn no Mcdonald nn waste time .
reach SPC at 2.01 laa .
none was there yet .
urghs . those guys weren`t guys laa
let gurls wait so long xP
thn go in SPC turh see if they sell marshmallows
dunch have .
7- eleven . dunch have
thn go NTUC buy laa
paid $$ thn left
man ~ reached 858 lerhhs .
thn we realised thadd we dinch take those marshmallows laa
was drizzling so dinch feel like walking bac
those guys nn ahNEE was like nort shuang ?
thn dinch go laa
took 2 cabs l gurls one boys one
guys lead cos none of us noe thar directions including thar driver xP
chated with thar driver
well he`s a gudd father laa
was a merry ride lorr

yea . arrived at sembawang beach laa .
"byebye , uncle "
all was so happy with thadd uncle laa
" wa uncle 你玩女人啊?"
ziyao arsked thadd uncle laa
" 他吃粗吗?"
LOL . thadd driver arsked us la a
thn left after taking weihao`s money .
was thar nearest pit laa
pit 01 ? ie think laa
thn gurl wenturh playy at dwnstaris
which is thar beach laa
while thar guy try turh start fire nn all sorts
saw fish fish ~
ie thot was tadpole laa .
thn scream .
nono shud be gasped .
nort loud maa
thn go take cups laa .
ahNEE nn me wanted turh catch thn ..
bu jian diao laa .
gone liao =(
thn suddenly gort current
at ferhhs was low tide laa
thn kian ; jun ; yao came dwn turh play oso laa
at ferhhs me qian ahNEE only thar shorts abit wet nia laa
thn they come dwn ..
shirt wet sommore gort sand laa .
arsk them nort turh touch lumyi
cos she gort cough .
yea yea . dunch noe if jun nn kian believes .
budd yao knew thar real reason
he`s so pro in gurls things horr -.-

thn play play play laa
decided turh went up laa
thn gort two boys in thar sea wearing BOXERS ONLY
they were swimming laa
"eh , 那个穿pink colour 的衣服的"
they shouted laa
thn no one replied .
"她都不要管leh "
they whisper whisper laa
heard maa thn ie look look
only ie nn wainee gort pink
budd ahNEE is shorts pink laa
so ie turn bac laa
"neh , 她懂了她懂了. "
thn continued with
" 我朋友问你可以拿你电话吗?"
thn shouted bac
" 有没有无聊har ?"
"warh , 这样proud arh ?
they shayyed laa
took out mahh slipper wanting turh throw them
was sort of kidding nia laa
thn ziyao shayyed .
"aiya, 不要管他们la hor "
thn walked off .

bathe thn everything everything
sot of quarreled with qian laa
they hit mahh butt ferhhs time alright
thn second time shayy orhkays ler maa
dunch hit lerhhs .
thn knew thadd they are gonna hit laa .
thn walked bac
as iee walk bac , ie need turh walk pass them maa
thn hit agains .
FUCK laa
ie dinch touch a sing bit of eur butt nor boobs right
thn stand still at there laa
stare stare at qian
se oso buay song with me maa
lumyi nehh laa
she jus quiet quiet aa
thn at last they stand nn let me hit lor
narthing shud happen
yea wenturh Mcdonalds
man - gort one boy .
orhkays ie admit he`s shuai laa

lalaal .
go home bathe thn slept xP
Yours sincerely
14:16 | 28 October, 2006

turhday ; 251oo6
wenturh skul laa
was looking ferr wainee
cos she was suppose turh tell ziyao sth on mahh behalf laa
thn ziyao wasn`t there yet so ...
gonnar wiat till he comes lorr
budd he came when mrWONG is already there ?
ie think so lorhhs
thn he now noe ler laa .
broke off with him . yeas .
is nort ie dunch love him liao orhkays
is he shayyed . thadd after PSLE his feeling of loving me went off
nn ie thought nn thought .
thn was like no point steading with a person thadd doesnt love eu maa
so break laa
dunch arske me why n why nn why anymore =)
nn yars . it`s nort a matter turh him laa
he doesn`t give a damn thru his actions laa
nn thadd stayed bac turhday lorhhs .
super super sian
talk talk talk . sit sit sit . eat eat eat nn play play play
SLP too laa .
tried budd ie doubt anyone did .
wenjin ziyao nn deyao was there laa
qian ahNEE nn me shout at them SSS
hees . almost all boys are SSSs .
well wadevas . if eu`ll noe wadd is SSS
eu wudd probably shayy we`re perverts .
budden it`s true laa
blahs blahs
went home 5 +
nn well fought with mummy .
ie suppose ie carn go ferr weihao`s party
nort sure laa
nn mahh cough is killing me man .
throat is paining . urghs ~

woke up oops .
10 o clock liaos .
ie shud have woke up at 9 de laa
wake up nn prepare nn ie wan use com de laa
thn went out laa
was going turh be late de liaos
thn ie still took wrong MRT laa .
took cab from bradell lors .
thn watched death note at yishun GV
thn go take neos lorr .
all zilian wan maa =)
thn go persa hse turh eat mahh dinner la
nort suppose turh be laa
called mummy thn she shayy she at toa payoh
thn arsk me rush there laa
thn took cab norhs .
thn went bac home lorr
on mahh own dinch wanturh eat laa
daddy dinch make it turh come
thn ie wenturh home
nn look ferr mahh laptop
FUCK . mahh room is locked .
thn went out turh take thar keys thadd mummy`s holding onto
thn bathe nn everything laa
sian-ed day .

pon - ned higher chinese LESSON
nn wenturh orchid park condo zo bo lorr
was like .. no use liao rites ?
go study wadd ? 好公民mehhs?
wadevas laa . we`ve counted only 10 would turn up
budd at last 9 turned up only laa .
thn went home at 6 ++ ?
ferrgotten xP
Yours sincerely
22:33 | 25 October, 2006

blahs blahs .
ytd was daddy`s birthday nn wenturh wild wild wet ?
gort a resort at there laa
mummy shayyed was chalet all liars laa
wadevas -
thadd`s wadd ie`m gonna mention
ie`m rushing thru thar post laa .
mummy`s rushing me nar

nn yurs turhday wenturh orchid park condo laa
suppose turh meet qian at 1.30 at gate outside derhhs .
thn ie 1.15 thn left hse cos ie`m stuck at thar com laa
thn took cab dwn cos ie`m very late
ie need turh buy food ferr persa nn buy vanguad sheet laa
thn at last still carn make in time lorr
met qian at Mcdonalds instead
thn walk turh eastern turh buy
ie ferrgotten turh bring mahh vangard sheet
thadd ie did on friday laa
was in rush turh go out maa
was outside thar gate thn started turh drizzle laa .
thn rain bigger abit
gort one gudd gudd guard arsk if we wanted turh go in norts
thn we tried turh walk turh him tuh tel him laa
expect us turh shout across mehhs
so mei li mao wadds
thn gort car drive in nn out laa
thn thar kao peh kao bu guard go shout wadd .
' eu noe very dangerous nort '
'so many car eu all dunch noe how turh wait aa '
something liddat
thn is we walk there ferhhs de maa
shud be cars wait ferr us rites
dunh noe driving laws derhhs .
wadevas .
thn thar gudd gudd guard let us in laa

persa wasnt there lorrhs .
thn call herr hse herr mummy pick thn saw persa laa
thn wenturh do .
rain was quite big laa
thn when we sitdwn was wet laa
thar table gort shit .
lizard shit laa . ewks .
ie clean it noe . so yucky
thn wenturh thar men thadd were having party
turh get some serviets laa
thn they gave . thn shayyed thanks nn went off laa
thn second time persa go get some more turh wipe her mouth
she was eating jus now maa
thn we took another table cos table too small wadds
thn thadd table was wet maa with more lizard shit
suppose turh e qian`s turn turh get laa thn she dunch dare laaa
thn arsked chel turh come dwn pei herr
persa wad fed up or sumthing laa thn she wenturh get

mandi came too at 3
thn we went turh get her in lorrhs .
wadevas -

nn thn persa went off laa
thn waa me nn chel go slack laa
cos persa there thn we carn maa xP
Yours sincerely
00:45 | 23 October, 2006

argh ! was talking turh gio
before ie started this post
nn thn yes ! at last
atleast he told me whu he really like
last time still until so real shayy mashitan 0.o
grrS . waste mahh ear space turh hear qian`s grumbles
blahs blahhs . wadeva- nn jus in case eu come across mahh blog ..
erms yea . ie wunch shayy whu .
sinc ie`ve told eu mahh lips are sealed
nn yurs . he`s a good consoler can
erms felt little better about mahhself
yeas . dinch tell him bout huiling thing
actually only jerming me huiling nn lumyi noes . at this point .
yes yes ie`m jus waiting ferr mahh idiotic cousin turh reacieve .
none`s online eu see no one pei me laa =(
only cheewee wayne msPOON jerdaine online .
hahas . ie`m talking turh mahhself .
sistar`s asleep
only jerming talking turh me on thar phone blah blahs
ie shud end mahh blabberings
Yours sincerely
00:44 | 21 October, 2006

' ie dunch see any reasons ferr me loving eu anymore
budd ie shud tell eu now nn never again thadd ie love eu
nn ie dinch shayy ie wanturh brk with eu
budd if eu do wanturh brk .
pls speak up turh me
need nort turh be afraid thadd it`ll hurt me '

mahh language is poor
nn ie dinch really explain mahhself properly
ie shud shayy -
ie dunch see any reasons ferr me loving eu anymore
budd ie`m jus so devoted in eu
no one forced me turh
budd jus ie love eu
budd nn ie shud tell eu now

nn never again* thadd ie love eu
nn ie dinch shayy ie wanturh brk with eu
budd if eu do wanturh brk .
pls speak up turh me
need nort turh be afraid thadd it`ll hurt me

*never again cos ie`m tired of repeating myself
nn ie`ve learnt thadd ie shudn keep repeating
thadd ie love eu many many
if really nort necessary

nn yeas . mahh feelings jus sways like a kite in thar air
quarreled with zehhzehh cos she dinch let me use thar laptop
noe wadd . she sat on mahh legs nn it`s aching now
alrights . minutes agao we`re alrights .
nn dinch wenturh paragon cos of thadd .
gonna rush out ie think turh buy tmr morning
nn yeas . quarreled with huiling
never had thadd kinde of thing happen since ie knew herr alright
budd jus liddat laa .
ie`m very quarrelsome nn ie cried xP
yea jus after ie gort alrght with zehhzehh
talked turh gio on msn right
was like cry agains !
jus by two - three sentences

=-[LöVe][Göd][Always]-= -=[Göd][Föllöwer]=- † -=† I'm Gion ConsTanTine U ASS Hole†=- says:
when i go there i gona miss man
[c=11] xuaNn` [/c] [c=9][c=FF3399] once gone ; gone ferreva . god bring thadd bac . [/c] says:
ie`m gonna miss eu too . sobs .
=-[LöVe][Göd][Always]-= -=[Göd][Föllöwer]=- † -=† I'm Gion ConsTanTine U ASS Hole†=- says: LOL
=-[LöVe][Göd][Always]-= -=[Göd][Föllöwer]=- † -=† I'm Gion ConsTanTine U ASS Hole†=- says:
dun lie tat la

nn when ie shayyed sobs . ie really teared .
FARK . ie`m jus so so so emo
nn yeas no more mood .
moody moody
nn paiseh turh PAHANG grp members
ie dun intend turh do anything about it turh nn tmr xP

-if ie colud ie`ll nort grow up -
Yours sincerely
23:09 | 20 October, 2006

jus came bac nn all these happened
no feelings anymore ie`m frozen .
nn ie`m unreasonable
so if eu ppl jus carn bear with thadd kinde of attitude
leave nn shaddup
ie dunch need those thadd dunch treasure me
ie`m nort trying turh pin - point at anyone .
simply jus a feeling , an urge
it pushed me turh write all these alrights .
ie`m alright ferr all those whu cares how ie am

nn yeas .
like wadd ie`ve wrote as mahh nickname on msn
ie`m utterly dissapointed with thadd guy
or shud ie shayy boy
he`s nort matured yet
like wadd ie am
a little kidd inside

boy ;
8 days of parture
nn eu let me knew how much ie can love a person
how much ie can miss a person
how much a person can appear in mahh dreams
3 times in 8 days
all were so bad
nn ie told mahhself thadd it`s impossible turh happen
budd how ie wudd noe
it`s all so true , so real
nn ie completely noe thadd ie`m nort dreaming now
ie noe thadd ie`m nort imagining
EMPTYpromises .
wadd ie hate most
budd it`s also sth eu gave turh me most
ie dunch see any reasons ferr me loving eu anymore
budd ie shud tell eu now
nn never again thadd ie love eu
nn ie dinch shayy ie wanturh brk with eu
budd if eu do wanturh brk .
pls speak up turh me
need nort turh be afraid thadd it`ll hurt me
nn eu shayyed mahh sistars will make me tired
cos they wan me turh settle their problems .
budd they dinch need me turh settle their probolems
nn ie shud shayy
awr, awr , AWR OWN problems tire me most .
我知道我是爱你可是, 可是

it`s all mahh fault . yes it is
Yours sincerely
15:44 | 19 October, 2006

thar neos nthad we took yseterday =)
was alort alrights we`re all zilian =)

whoops -
sry ahNEE eur head`s blocked by me xP

silence .
we`ve always love peace rite gurls?

qian look so farnie xP
no offence hees .

alermakks .
mahh head`s always so enormous .

情友 ?

lalalas ~

erms . we`re in thar toilet .
kek sai - ing xP

star - gazing .
letsme see .. xP

see chel`s blowing a kiss turh someone .
turh JUNhao rites xP

we`re in north pole or south pole ?

loves loves <3
ie love this picture`s formation

ie look so farnie .
chell nn ahNEE oso xP
they like really flying so scared =x

10th october .
awr sistars day =)

chel`s so cute adorable rite ?
no innocent =)

ahahas . qian so cuteadorable
weee ~

guess whu decorate ?
of cus is me xP
ie`m thar only one thadd`s nort enthu =x

yummy -
ie`ll like turh eat thadd cake ~~
we`re all so egoistic can xP
ahNEE`s shirt blend with thar bg .0.o

show time ! eehees

lalalala - narthing turh do ..
nn believe wadd ie jus woke nn bathe xP
ie`m such a piggo alright .
ie admit . hees =)
yepps yepps . dinch wentturh skul .
so life is super boring .
nort allowed turh go out oso laa .

ahNEE nn qian are at chel`s hse alrights .
how ie wish ie was there ~ grumbles grumbles *
yepps . yepps . ie miss mahh shagua tons laa
gornna wait ferr 8 days until we meet can .
urghs ! yeayea . jus like this will do .
erms gonna . miss everyone alort .
loves loves , miss miss =)

never had ie none ie wudd need turh part from eu before skul ends .

eight days of parture .
gonna take up mahh whole heart turh miss eu
one day took up half of it .
ie carn imagine when it`s thar third day .
budd ie`ll pull mahhself strong
as ie noe eu`ll always be waiting
no tears ie`ll shed .
ie promise mahhself .
ie`ll build this brige
thadd allows me inturh eur heart when ie`m bac .
soh weixuan swear thadd ie`ll love tan ziyao .
loves loves <33>
thar god is watching over us .
pouring thar blessings of love .

Yours sincerely
17:11 | 11 October, 2006

tralalalalas ~ PSLE`s over alright .
bleahhs . ie`m super hyper alright .
thinking thadd heys .
there`s nort gonna be anymore exams until sec 1 alright .
yepps . yepps .
collected bac awr handphones .
was confiscated yesterday .
arhurhs ~ yesterday was scolded by msSITI too .
ferr mahh shirt . lalalala ~ ie dunch bother .

yurs . went out right after skul .
budd we wanturh change clothes ferhhs maa .
so all went home ferhhs .
nn yeas . of cos ie dinch .
it`s far away from khatib alrights .
nn i dunch wish turh travel up nn thn dwn .
so wenturh ahNEE`s hse .
yesyes ! herr hse was FAARR too !
behh deep inside thar flats laa .
budd herr hse was nice =)
herr korrkorr was slping actually thn woke up baa .
nn bathed there laa .
go turh mahh ahYI hse .
turh put mahh shoes cos it`s super heavy .
thn met qian norr .

met chel at MC .
arhuhs . ate there .
ate during break maas .
so ate ice cream nia thn full .
saw shagua`s zehhzehh laa .
wadevers -

thn walk turh mrt station maa .
saw WENjin JUNhao nn bernice nn shagua ?
nort sure baas .
chel nn ahNEE shayyed was shagua .
qian nn ie think is KIANheng lehhs .
dunch noe .
thn went turh causeway .
bought DEyao his present .
yeasyeas . arsked him wadd he wans .
budd he refused turh shayy .
only noe thadd he likes .. grey black nn white .
yeas all thar dull colours laa .
nn bought erms something* ferr him .
nudd we shud have bought thar ferhhs one .
cos he told qian he like converse . alermakks ~
buy liao thn he shayy .
nn we`re gonna give it turh him tommorow .
it`s belated .
budd qian ahNEE chel will give .
ie`m nort gonna go skul . tadd`s why .

nn yurpps . we took alort of neoprints alrights .
4 sets ? yurpps . nn yeas .
gonna show . depending if qian can finish scanning it =)
arhuhs . believe me .
we went turh eat stinky tofu . xP
alright it aste well . budd it stinks lots laa .
hees . well .

nn yes !
turhday is awr SISTARS DAY !
loves loves <33>
sistars 184 . will always be ferreva xP
if nort why call sistars 184 . LOL ie lame xP
Yours sincerely
20:31 | 10 October, 2006

hees . ie`m here turh slack =)
jus came bac from dinner or maybe supper .
LOL . daddy was super late alrights .
was INSTRUCTED by hafiq turh print some stuffs .
wells . thn dunchfeel like reading sci lerhhs .
thn post something . haahs .
ie`m jus bored .

nn yeas . jerdaine korr called me when ie`m eating ..
arhuhs . jerdaine korr.
no matter how much ie love eu .
it`s jus thar love between a meih nn a korr .
narthing much .
ie carn be eur gurl . budd ie can be eur meih .
wells . ie hope eu do understand .
love carn be forced .
Yours sincerely
23:09 | 08 October, 2006

是你变了吗 ? 或许没有吧。

actually ie dunch even noe wadd ie wan from eu .
yeas . now ie`m really down .
nn ie dunch wish anybody turh arsk me anything .
now ie`m on thar com .
budd ie dinch go online .

arhuhs .
dunch arsk me anything if possible .
arhuhs . shagua .
ie hopes eu`ll understand if ie write on here .
words are hard turh be pronounced turh eu .
using mahh mouth , seeing eur face
ie`ll nort noe wadd turh tell .
cos ie love eu .
nn dunch wish turh do anything turh hurt eu .

ie`d been in few relationships .
nn this is thar ferhhs wan thadd ie felt so pain .
tears are jus mahh gudd frens .
although ie keep telling eu ie`ve stopped crying ferr eu .
even if eu had knew .
eu will only feel bad ?
thadd makes me more painful .
ie dunch wan eu turh feel guilty of anything .
really . ie`d actually found bac thar love .
thadd have lost after quite a few quarrels .
most slow , most pain , most mature one .
ie dunch noe how eu feel when eu see me .
budd ie jus feel like throwing mahhself turh eu .
maybe ie`m jus speaking turh much .
budd ie`d really have turh shayy .
ie`m nort trying turh shayy thar last words before we brk up .
cos ie noe if ie broke up with eu .
ie`ll feel nothing better .
budd more pain . more tears .

ie feel no braveness in mahhself .
nort even a little . thar sky` gonna fall ='(
Yours sincerely
12:03 |

arhuhs . dinch post ferr lots of days laa .
lazy ? busy ? jus something laa .
ie`m running away from mahh own feelings .
yepps ie noe ie am .
this was how ie spend mahh days .

cleared math paper .
quite easy baa .
nort sure ferr quite a few
budd ie think it shud be alright .
erms ie think can get A* ferr this xP

yurs . chi paper .
cleared laa . erms so-so baa .
ie`m always weak at chi .
duh .. ie dunch like chinese xP
arhuhs . A ferr this ?
ie`m jus too confident ie think .
played at jovi`s hse too laa .
wasn`t quite farn cos ..
it`s erms .. like something is on mahh mind

went bac turh skool studied .
no study mood laa .
yea . thadd something is still on mahh mind .
erms . mummy lied turh me .
shayyed wadd 2 oclock start .
thn at last 7 thn start .
budd went turh causeway in mahh uniform .
nn bought some clothes laa .
saw emily scheerder nn ppl there .
Yours sincerely
22:58 | 06 October, 2006

yurs . cleared english paper .
well hard hard baa .
erms quite a few questions ie noe ie wrong lerr .
nn compo .. well ie shayyed thadd thar daddy die laa
ie dunch think its heartening enurf =(
whu cares it`s over .
nn ie can put english aside ferr now =)

yurs . stayed bac till 1 .
suppose turh stay bac till 1.45 derr .
budd ahNEE arsk me nn qian dunch wait liao ?
ie really still dunch understand why .
yeas . talked turh chel on hp
kinde of pei - ed me when ie walk turh mrt laa .
thn went on mrt told herr thadd ie will call her when ie reach home laa
thn wenta home ferrgotten .
bathed nn slept xP
till 6 ++ baa .
msLEE wanna tok turh me
mummy call herr nn told herr things laa
blwahs blwahs .

nn ie called chel jus now .
jus put dwn thar phone laa .
she`s like JUNHAO herr nn dere laa xP
really too deep in love lerrs =x

nn yeas . ie`m gonna stop here -
3 more days . how`d ie wish it`s three more minutes
ie`m so in need of eu . =(
Yours sincerely
19:45 | 04 October, 2006

well . having a little quarrel with shagua now .
on thar msn .
yurpps . jus bcos . jus now we stayed bac .
nn . ie passed him thar notes he arsked me turh copy .
yeas . he arsk me turh stay bac turh pei him study .
erms was like . pei him shout ?
nn is like . study ferr him ? narhhs . ferr wadd .
he doesn`t study ferr me .
ie have an big appetite . ie`m nort contented even ..
when he does his hmwk .
well . teared -
as usual . it`s like an usual excercise .
ie`ll cry everday .
shagua , ie need no srys .
ie need no regrets .
ie need truths .
tell me thar truth even eu noe eu`re in wrong pls .
Yours sincerely
22:23 | 03 October, 2006

yepps . gortta post this quick .

shagua ; yeas . gudd luck ferr eur PSLE kayys .
paisehh arh .. turhday kind of dao eu agains xP
erms . mus really study horr .
ie studied ferr eu nn eu oso kayys .
well ie had alort things turh write in minde .
budd ie dunch wish turh write it dwn .
cos ie dunch wan turh remember this .
alrights . all thar best . ie wan mahh 3 As n 1B horr =)
loves eu many many <33>
persa ; gurl , eu dunch think too much kayy .
ppl around eu dunch hate eu .
simply too nice ferr ppl turh hate eu .
yeas . it`s true . turh me nn ie`m nort bootlicking kayys .
leave thadd BADDIE . perhaps GOODIE ferr eu aside laa .
PSLE ferrhhs kayys .
will talk turh him on eur behalf as soon as he unblocks me .
ie hope he wudd . =)
ahNEE ; erms . well .
eu dunch like me bcos ie`m turh kind turh be angry with others ?
erms . sry budd .. ie carn change thadd part of mahhself .
cos . 很一个人你只会伤心 , 可能还会流泪。
可是爱一个人你有可能会伤心,流泪 , 可是你一定会开心。
so why dunch love thar person instead of hating .
only if eu want turh be sad always .
thadd`s wadd ie tell quan too laa
yurs . it`s hard turh change .
budd ferr eur own sake , ie noe eu wudd .
gurl , ie`m gonna repeat wadd ie wrote in eur blog .
since her* is nort in awr 'sistars 184 ' thing .
ie wunch love her as many as eu three .
or maybe ie shud shayy ie wunch love anybody as much ..
except ferr shagua ; jerming ; jerdaine ; ahLING ; hui nn persa .
yepps . ie assure eu thadd .
blame me if ie love others more thn eu ppl .
nn fer me ie noe ie`m nort faking thar laughters with eu
ie think others too .

jerdaine it`s 4 more days .
Yours sincerely
21:45 |

shagua ; bleahhs .
come turh mahh blog carn arhhs =x
reply ? reply simi ?
yepps . see eur face ie`ll see thar book .
xP love eu many many too .
muwarhhs .
LOL yepps yepps .
mandi arsk eu go escape xP with chel nn jun
nn her da bor =x wu take dwn laa
ahPEH so naggy . love love always <33
qian ; yepps . we love eu loads too .
hard feelings wadds thadd arhs ?
ahNEE ; hahas . nan ren dou shi xiao qi gui xP
hahas . he gort narthing fer me turh talk about =x
yepps . study study .
turhday morning ie found bac mahh study mood =)
dunch noe . MANDI ~ ie wan mandi . =)
hahas . ie love her pip pops xP
quan ; hees . ehhs . quan ..
tell me wadd eu all dunch like of me lehhs =)
now think bout PSLE .
after thadd thn settle kayys .
give me their no . s ie help eu tell them xP
if eu wan laa
chel ; orhhs . zi ran fan ying baa .
ie always oso liddat .
ppl whisper ie thot they talking bout me xP
yepps . yepps . mus make sure at least one day free kayys
ferr eu turh pei us go outie =)

yurpps . on top are reply ferr eur taggys . =)

well . thar feeling of everybody hating me is coming bac laa .
funny . ie dinch think of thadd laa .
budd zi dong wan .
ie`m forcing mahhself turh believe eu ppl really dunch hate me
cos . euu ppl promised .
nn ie noe eu wunch brk eur promises =)

qian ; erms eu nort shuang with me turhday afternoon ?
eu`re so leng turhday =x
Yours sincerely
22:26 | 02 October, 2006

yepps . yepps .
wenturh skool .
although it shud be a holiday laa .
arsked jerming turh make me a morning call
in case ie carn wake up laa .
she woke me up at 4 !
jerming . eu gudd arhs .
thn use com laa .
carn get bac turh slp .
wait till 6.30 thn call ahLIANG norr .
arsk if msLEE gort reply him norts .
msLEE dinch reply me laa =(

yurpps .
went bac turh slp xP
accidentally one laa .
thn 7.30 went out lorr .
reach khatib at 7.55
5 minutes . sms - ing quan lorr
they all reach liao . kao .. thn walk fast fast =)
reach there .. late ferr 15 minute nia laa .
luckily cher jus went up stairs . =)

yepps yepps .
ie`m guai ferr mahh SHAGUA =)
cher shayy wadd all copy dwn laa .
4 -5 pages of foolscap ( however it`s spelt ) paper lehh xP

yepps yepps .
went out turh take neos .
make keychain ..
make ring ..
nn qian`s present !
kehhees .
dunch noe if she wudd like it nort laa arhuhs .

now ie`m on thar phone with thadd stupid ..
GERMY ! yepps she`s consoling me .
she`s hearing mahh nonsence ferr once again =)
ie jus love her too too much nn ie can tell herr everything
weehas . [ GERMY ] JERMING ; sistars ; shagua love eu all =)
muwarhhyiies ~

jerdaine korkor .
5 more days =) it`s getting closer ~
Yours sincerely
21:54 |

arhuhs ~
turhday gort narthing turh write
jus went out laa .
cut dwn till one post =)

wells . gurls , heard from lumyi .
eu ppl thot thadd ie dunch trust eu all hur ?
wells . ie make mahhself clear kayys .
the reason why ie shayy dunch make EMPTYpromises
is cos ie trust eu .. nn ie dunch wan anything turh let me lose thadd trust .
arhuhs . maybe eu wunch noe wadd ie`m talking .
cos ie mahhself dunch really get wadd ie wanturh shayy oso laa .
yepps . jus believe me . ie trust eu ppl .
arhuhs . ie`m glad lumyi told me thadd .
thanks many many zehh =)

ie trust eu . ie treasure eu . ie cherish eu . ie love eu .
have thadd little believe in me pls =)

5 more days ; ie`ve gort eur letter .
ie`m counting with mahh hands now =)
Yours sincerely
22:36 | 01 October, 2006